Public Wifi Project

Free Wifi Downtown

Free WIFI Now Available Downtown!

The Eagle River Revitalization program has launched free, wireless internet service for downtown Eagle River, available to anyone with a cell phone, tablet, or laptop.

“The Eagle River Revitalization program is pleased to offer this service 24/7 and year-round to visitors and residents alike,” said Main St. Retired Executive Director​ Martha Geiseman.

The wireless network was installed by ChoiceTel of Eagle River and provides free internet connectivity for the public along Railroad St. from the bridge south to Wall St. and then east along Wall St. to approximately Third St.

“20 businesses along the route have agreed to host a Wi-Fi ‘hotspot’ transmitter so there should be a good strong signal everywhere in the downtown shopping district,” Gieseman said.

Those wishing to use the service can click on “Downtown Eagle River” when it appears on a cell phone or laptop’s list of available Wi – Fi networks. Some internet services like Netflix have been blocked to prevent using “Downtown Eagle River” as a primary internet provider.

“The Revitalization program believes that free Wi – Fi downtown will be a tremendous asset to the community, benefiting local residents and businesses as well as those visiting Eagle River,” Geiseman added.

We are always looking for donations to help fund this community service project.  If you find value in this community service please click the donate button to support this effort.  Thank you.

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